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National Cybersecurity Awareness Week 2024 will kick off these highlights together 2024-09-06

    A press conference for the 2024 National Cyber Security Publicity Week was held in Beijing on Tuesday。It is reported that the National Cyber Security Publicity Week in 2024 is scheduled to be held nationwide from September 9 to 15, jointly organized by ten departments including the Central Publicity Department and the Central Cyberspace Administration Office。Among them, the opening ceremony and other important activities were held in Guangzhou, Guangdong province。

  So, together, what are the highlights of this network security week worth looking forward to?


Closely around the in-depth study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee

  Gao Lin, director of the Cyber Security Coordination Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration, said at the meeting that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which was successfully held not long ago, has drawn a grand blueprint for further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization。It is of special significance to hold the National Network Security Publicity Week when the whole Party and the whole country deeply study and publicize the spirit of the plenary session。

  据介绍,这次活动聚焦习近平总书记关于全面深化改革的一系列新思想、新观点、新部署,着力做好二十届三中全会精神的宣传贯彻。The department will invite relevant responsible comrades, authoritative experts, and business leaders to share vivid practices and insights in the field of network security around the implementation of the important deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, and effectively enhance the ideological and leading activities。

Give full play to its geographical advantages and strive to run a cyber security "promotion council" based on the Bay Area, coordinating with Hong Kong and Macao and radiating the whole country

  Du Xinshan, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Committee, was introduced at the meeting,This year's Cyber Security Week focuses on leveraging the regional advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,Guangzhou as the home,Linkage Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing,With the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao,Give full play to our respective advantages and participate together,Promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation in cybersecurity personnel training, technological innovation, and industrial development in the Bay Area,Promote the spread of cyber security publicity to all households。

Focus on industrial development, and strive to hold a "Canton Fair" to promote the integrated development of education, science and technology and industry in the field of cybersecurity

  This year's network Security week focuses on serving the high-quality development of the economy and society,Conferences, forums, competitions, exhibitions and other forms,On the basis of holding traditional activities such as the Cyber Security Technology Summit Forum and Cyber Security Expo,Innovation and entrepreneurship competition, innovation and venture investment special activities, network security industry and service supply and demand fair, network security talent recruitment and other activities,Jointly build a "Canton Fair" in the field of cyber security。

Strengthen innovation leadership, and strive to hold a "exhibition" of cutting-edge technologies and latest achievements in domestic network security

  This year's Network Security Week gathered domestic high-quality enterprises and research institutions in the field of Internet and network security, and comprehensively displayed major achievements, cutting-edge technologies and latest achievements in the field of network security through physical display, video presentation, human-computer interaction and other ways。Guangzhou in recent years in artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain and other fields of cutting-edge "black technology" is also a representative display。The Expo also has interactive experience areas such as discerning network risks, VR security king, etc., so that the audience has a fresh and refreshing feeling from the visual and auditory aspects。

Pay attention to the participation of all people, and strive to hold a "promotion meeting" to enhance cybersecurity awareness and protection skills.

  The agenda setting, link planning and activity design of this network security Week all reflect the purpose of serving the people。For example, this year's Cyber Security Expo venue set up an interactive experience area, so that the public can experience the achievements of cyber security innovation;It will also plan and carry out a series of activities such as "Network security cloud Competition", and the participants will have the opportunity to get rewards;Network security micro-video collection with the central committee。

  On the basis of the regular organization of six theme day activities,This week also arranged a series of network security into the community, into the enterprise, into the countryside, into the family, into the campus, into the organ activities,Released the first AI-themed video of network security Week,Activities such as "Bay Area Tour", "Wind Qingyang" Network security popularization Caravan Rural tour, and network security theme station Citywalk were launched,Let the network security publicity be diversified and personalized。(Xinhua News Agency Reporter: Lu Junyu)

Source: Net Credit Tianjin

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